Workforce Challenge:
Adrienne worked as a Medicare Secondary Payer Member Account Coordinator with Caremore Healthplan/Wellpoint, Inc. for 4 1/2 years. Adrienne survived an 8 month layoff. On June 2, 2014, Adrienne arrived at SELACO-WIB and spoke with a Customer Service Representative, who provided her with more information on the program. In that same month, Adrienne enrolled at SELACO-WIB.
Workforce Solution:
Adrienne was assigned a SELACO WIB case manager, attended job search workshops and “Steps to Economic and Personal Success.” She stated that she learned a lot, specifically the STEPS workshop that spoke to her about her scotomas, comfort zone areas, and the influence of others who tell you that you do not have much value. Adrienne added that she was able to accept the fact the she was in control and by faith, she was able to overcome that challenge and negativity. Ultimately, she embraced a “must do” and “can do” attitude. Adrienne attended Job Club on Fridays, the TRENDSS Workshops, upgraded her computer skills, and diligently worked on her job search 40 hours a week.
Outcome & Benefits:
On November 5, 2014, Adrienne answered an ad for an Expedited Case Setup Coordinator position with United Health Group in Cypress, CA. She landed a phone interview on November 20th. Shortly after, Adrienne received the call that she had been offered the job. Adrienne made a counter offer and officially accepted the position on February 6, 2015. When asked would she recommend SELACO-WIB to others, she said: “Absolutely!” When asked what advice she would give to current and new customers, she said: “Job seekers have to be persistent, disciplined and focused. For me, coming here on a daily basis gave me the mindset of being at work. I was able to make phone calls to employers while attending workshops and it felt like a work environment. Having this type of environment to conduct my job search eliminated pity parties and distractions. I was able to see other success stories prior to becoming one myself, which gave me hope. They say it takes a village to raise a child. In my case, it took a village to support and encourage me, to not give up. DON’T GIVE UP!”
Congratulation, Adrienne!