Claudia Duran
Workforce Challenge:
Claudia discovered the SELACO WDB America’s Job Center in Cerritos on the CalJOBS website when she was seeking information about her unemployment insurance. She came to SELACO WDB to find job search assistance because she had been unemployed for 12 months after working as an Auto Claims Specialist for over 20 years. Claudia felt that she was now too old to get rehired and she was terrified of the interview process.
Workforce Solution:
After talking to her SELACO career coach, Claudia’s self-confidence grew. She was able to realize that she was not the only one in her situation, and she could still get hired with a reliable company even though she was no longer in her 20’s. Claudia looked and applied for jobs online and received referrals from friends. She searched and applied for jobs online via LinkedIn, Indeed, CalCareers and Monster. Claudia’s job coach helped with her resumé and interviewing. In addition, SELACO financially supported her comprehensive accounting training with QuickBooks at Amfasoft Corporation in Anaheim. Once she earned her certificate, more options became available.
Workforce Results:
Claudia received news from a friend, whose company was hiring. She also applied for a job opening that she found online for that same company. Unfortunately, she was not hired for either of the positions, but instead was invited to register for a job fair that the hiring company was sponsoring. At the job fair, Claudia interviewed for an open position on-the-spot and was immediately hired as a Customer Care I, in member services for a health insurance company answering calls from home. What she enjoys most is working from home, the duties and the room for growth. Claudia advises other job seekers; “Reach out to your career coach, they know what kind of help you need and will help you with what you need. Join every activity as it is all very helpful.”