Workforce Challenge:
Manuel worked at Windows Network Discovery as a Principal Software Engineer for 4 years and 2 months. He was laid off and was unemployed for 15 months. Manuel participated in a program paid for by his employer to help him push through his layoff. He followed the advice given to him from a colleague who referred him to SELACO WDB. The biggest challenge that Manuel faced was that his skills were outdated and he was unable to work with the newer software technologies and platforms.
Workforce Solution:
Manuel came to SELACO WDB in Cerritos for employment assistance and training. He was assigned a case manager, attended STEPS and the job search workshops. He stated that he found veteran programs that he qualified for: mental attitude control, job seminars/recruitments and met employment professionals who became family. Manual looked for work on LinkedIn, CalJobs,, CareerBuilder, Zip recruiter,, Google searches,, Job Club, newspapers, etc. SELACO WDB helped Manuel overcome his challenge by introducing him to the staff from local community colleges who encouraged him to leverage priority of services for veterans. These connections resulted in an easy enrollment process where he is now going on 3 semesters of invaluable continuing education.
Outcome & Benefits:
Manuel received a call from a recruiter who matched his profile on Career Builder for a Contractor position for Compunnel Talent Agency. After the call, Manuel received a call back stating that he was hired! Manuel stated, “SELACO WDB helped me with everything related to finding job; getting hired with a successful interview; and keeping the job by acquiring the necessary skills. Also, the SELACO WDB team members all worked as a coordinated team to give me hope and purpose – they wrapped me in a professional grade protective blanket.” When asked would he recommend SELACO WDB to others, he said: “Yes, definitely! SELACO is a deep underground shelter for those who have been left jobless by the hurricanes of layoffs and outsourcing.”
Congratulations, Manuel!