Emergency Wildfire Resource Hub For Businesses and Workers

DEO has launched an emergency one-stop resource hub for businesses and workers including emergency and recovery updates, business support for closures, revenue disruptions, and losses, worker support for unemployment, job placement, and loss of wages, and upcoming webinars and events. To access the hub, visit here.

Emergency Wildfire Resource Hub For Businesses and Workers

DEO has launched an emergency one-stop resource hub for businesses and workers including emergency and recovery updates, business support for closures, revenue disruptions, and losses, worker support for unemployment, job placement, and loss of wages, and upcoming webinars and events. To access the hub, visit here.


Workforce Development Board



Years In Business


Our Mission Statement

The SELACO Workforce Development Board provides personalized services that foster the progress of employers and encourages the potential of individuals, to build a strong workforce for the Southeast Los Angeles Region. A flexible and entrepreneurial staff uses current technology to stimulate the development of innovative programs and education. We link individuals to the training they need to gain self-sufficiency and collaborate with employers to enhance the economic vitality and the human resources of the community.


SELACO WDB is your one-stop shop for Workforce Development. From a Young Adult looking to break into the job market to a Business looking to acquire training for their staff SELACO WDB can help. With a vast network of partners, we have the resources and connections to help you find the perfect job for you. Let us help you take the next step in your Workforce journey.

SELACO WDB’s 40th Year Anniversary

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Gold Sponsors

Gold Sponsors City of Bellflower
City of Cerritos
City of Hawaiian Gardens
The Gardens Casino
Larry Wehage

Silver Sponsors

Aegis Innovators
City of Artesia
Cerritos College
City of Downey
City of Lakewood
City of Norwalk
City of Paramount
Golden Feather Investments
Independent Wealth Consultants
UltraServ Automated Services

The SELACO WDB Spotlight

Toastmasters International has been teaching Communication and Leadership skills in a fun, friendly atmosphere. In 2005 the SELACO Workforce Development Board opened a Toastmasters club to better assist SELACO WDB customers in preparing for job search and interviewing. Since that time, hundreds have benefitted from the speaking skills and support provided by our club, the LUNCHTIME LEADERS.


What is Toastmasters?

Do you want to practice public speaking, improve your communication and build leadership skills? With Toastmasters, you can break barriers, not your budget. Learn more about the history of the organization and our methodology to help maximize your potential!

Toastmaster Logo


NTMA Training Centers is a proud partner of the SELACO Workforce Development Board.


NTMA Mission Statement:

NTMA Training Centers provides Machining Education and Training by:

  • Preparing qualified candidates for entry level machining jobs
  • Providing advanced machinist training courses to current industry employees
  • Promoting professional work ethics and values to all students

NTMA Vision:

Supply the Southern California Machining Industry with a Healthy, Well-Trained Workforce while Elevating the Image of the Industry.

SELACO WDB is partnered with the California Employment Training Panel (ETP) to provide customized training to the employees of qualified companies at no cost. Targeted industries include Manufacturing, Engineering, construction, Transportation/Logistics, Information Technology, and Biomedical. SELACO WDB uses its own trainers in addition to using training organizations such as US Riverside and CSULB.



SELACO WDB offers a variety of additional services and has an expansive network of partners. Take a look at some additional resources!

Success Stories

Leslie Shepherd

Workforce Challenge: After being unemployed for about 6 years, Leslie was referred to the America’s Job Center in Cerritos where she sought resumé and cover letter assistance as well as information...

Graciela Valdez Uribe

Workforce Challenge: After working less than a year at both a bank and later at a restaurant, Graciela found herself unemployed for almost two years. She searched for jobs online, but Graciela felt...

Susan Gonzalez

Workforce Challenge Susan worked in customer service for a few months, followed by almost a year of unemployment. She felt that the lack of knowledge about resources available was holding her back...

Sergio Gonzales

Workforce Challenge: Sergio was referred to the SELACO WDB America’s Job Center in Cerritos because he was seeking job search assistance after being out of work for a significant length of time....

Richard Baldamino

Workforce Challenge:          Richard began his workforce journey after he was referred to the SELACO WDB America’s Job Center in Cerritos. He was seeking job placement assistance and career...

Rafael Giovanni Insuasti

Workforce Challenge: Rafael was unemployed for 10 years and had zero work experience.  He searched for jobs both online and in person but without experience, schooling or certified skills, he failed...

Nellie Leon

Workforce Challenge: After being unemployed for 24 months, and establishing a brand-new life, Nellie became serious about her job search. Having enjoyed a background in retail, she thought that her...

Mark Duran

 Workforce Challenge: Mark was rehired as a mechanical engineer with his previous employer on a 4-month, temporary assignment. At the end of February 2021, he was laid off again, but took this time...

Josiah Carey

Workforce Challenge Josiah had been working in the restaurant business in downtown Los Angeles for nearly 6 months. After losing his job, he was unemployed for 4 weeks while looking for a better...

Jorge Henrique Gonzalez

Workforce Challenge: After being unemployed for 7 years, Jorge was referred to the SELACO WDB America’s Job Center of California in Cerritos to access job search assistance, resources, and workshops...

Ready to Get Started?


SELACO WDB is an equal opportunity employer/program operator. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

10900 East 183rd St Suite 350, Cerritos, CA 90703

© 2023 Southeast Los Angeles County Workforce Development Board. All rights reserved.


Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities

EO Officer: Sandra Michel
Phone: (562) 402-9336
Email: sandra.michel@selaco.com

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